Sunday, August 17, 2008

2009 ASTD International Conference & Exposition (ASTD ICE)

I've been on the road for the past couple of weeks, working hard but enjoying my travels immensely.

I've spent most of my time meeting and collaborating with learning & performance professionals from all over the world, including participating as a member of the planning committee for the 2009 ASTD International Conference & Exposition (ASTD ICE).

What a blast!

The committee's primary purpose is to construct the educational tracks for the conference. That means we spent quite a lot of time reviewing speaker proposals and discussing the types of educational opportunities that have worked (or not worked) at the conference in the past.

From there, we worked long hours in a training room to lay out the conference tracks and session formats.

We also spent quite a bit of time brainstorming ideas for keynote speakers and had a lot of conversation around our ideas for improving the ASTD ICE conference booklet - especially for folks visiting from outside the USA.

I am sworn to secrecy - can't say much! - but there are definite changes to some of the session delivery methods.

I'm really happy with the results - and am hoping (of course!) that ASTD ICE attendees are happy with them too!

Participation on the planning committee is a two (2) year run - which means my freshman year is this one - planning the 2009 ASTD ICE event for Washington D.C.

My senior year - graduation! - will be in planning the 2010 ASTD ICE event for home sweet home Chicago. :-)

So - please feel free to comment below - or send me an email - if you have something to share about your experiences at past ASTD ICE events or ideas for the future. I would love to hear from you!

Just a quick shout-out to my committee member peers - thanks, all, for sharing your insights, experiences, and for your continued support.

I really can't accurately articulate how much this community means to me - both professionally and personally.


~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
Owl's Ledge LLC

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