Wednesday, October 15, 2014

CPLP Work Product - Results and Revised Requirements!

Two (2) CRITICAL updates for CPLP Work Product that concerns candidates...

...who submitted Work Product in August 2014...


....those who will submit Work Product in...

...February 2015 --

August 2014 - CPLP Work Product - Results!

Per Jennifer Naughton's post in the CPLP Candidate LinkedIn group titled...

...'CPLP score notifications - notification timeline and what to expect' ...

...notification of Score Results for the August 2014 CPLP Work Product cohort...

....will not be released until late tomorrow (Thursday 16 October 2014).

Read the Details in the CPLP Candidate LinkedIn group | CLICK HERE

Here at Owl's Ledge, we're wishing all CPLP candidates the best of luck in this cohort and continued patience as ATD CI works to get the Score Reports out.

We look forward to Welcoming many new designees into the global CPLP community later this week!

February 2015 - CPLP Work Product - REVISED Requirements

The ATD Certification Institute (ATD CI) has extended its deadline for publishing...

...the final requirements beyond its original 1 October 2014 date.

This means that the final requirements CPLP candidates will be accountable to when...

...submitting CPLP Work Product in February 2015...

...are not yet public.

According to ATD CI, all February 2015 CPLP Work Product candidates...

...are accountable to the new CPLP Work Product requirements...

...whatever they may be.

The notice is posted on the CPLP Certification Handbook Web page on the ATD CI Web site.

A new deadline date has not been communicated.

Read the Revised Requirements Details on the ATD CI Web site | CLICK HERE

Owl's Ledge will schedule a special Webinar to review the new, revised CPLP Work Product requirements with delegates enrolled in our CPLP Work Product online program, after the changes are made public.

We will also send a communication to our subscribers to let them know when ATD CI posts the changes.

Sending Best Wishes & Kind Regards,

To your success!

~ trish

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
CEO & Founder, Owl's Ledge LLC
Creator, CPLP Mastery Series &
Author, "Mastering the CPLP: How to Successfully Prepare for - and PASS! - the CPLP Knowledge Exam" available on

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