Hello, all -
Just a word about the nutty timestamps listed below - we print our transcripts from WhatTheHashtag! and it looks like their server times were off!
Trust me - we weren't chatting into the wee hours of the morning. ;-)
#cplpchat runs from every other Wednesday from 8:30pm EST to 10:00pm EST.
Our next schedule realtime chat is February 3rd, 2010. Join us!
Transcript from January 20, 2010
12:56 am larrystraining: RT @trishuhl: TONIGHT Next #cplpchat 1/20 @ 8:30pm EST-1/6/10 transcript posted: http://bit.ly/5cN1by All welcome to attend! #ASTD #cplpchat
1:25 am trishuhl: 5 minutes to #cplpchat #ASTD #CPLP #cplpchat
1:29 am KelvinJM: Testing #cplpchat
1:29 am trishuhl: Join us via TweetChat: http://tweetchat.com/room/cplpchat or your Twitter tool of choice. >1 minute to start - All welcome! #cplpchat
1:30 am trishuhl: @KelvinJM Tah-dah! :-) #cplpchat
1:30 am trishuhl: Welcome everyone to #cplpchat! I'm @trishuhl - tonight's moderator - signing in from Chicago! #cplpchat
1:30 am trishuhl: Rules for #cplpchat: 1) Introduce yourself. (We do this again at the end). Are you #CPLP certified? Location? Focus? Fave topics? #cplpchat
1:31 am trishuhl: 2) [try to] stay on the #cplpchat topic by answering the questions. If you can, include Q# in related responses. #cplpchat
1:31 am larrystraining: Larry Straining, CPLP, Tulsa OK, Technology and E-Learning #cplpchat
1:31 am trishuhl: ) When writing, complete thoughts help followers outside chat learn from you. #cplpchat
1:32 am larrystraining: Trish, before we start, I want you to know how jealous I am that you got to see Mr Izzard live. #cplpchat
1:32 am trishuhl: Intro:Trish Uhl, #PMP, #CPLP (since '06) in Chicago Focus: advancing the learning profession & building community Fav topics: AOE3 #cplpchat
1:33 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Quite a performer! He's heading to Dallas - BTW - he displays the Twitterstream live at his concerts @eddieizzard #cplpchat
1:34 am KelvinJM: I am M.E. Majeske, Not cplp certified. Loc = Fort Worth, Tx. I'm a trainer by happenstance/necessity. #CPLPchat
1:34 am trishuhl: Tonight's topic: #CPLP tricks, traps & tips #cplpchat
1:35 am trishuhl: @KelvinJM Hi M.E.! So - a SME-turned-trainer - an "accidental" trainer #cplpchat
1:36 am KelvinJM: SME in legal software (specialty legal software applications) #CPLPchat
1:37 am SuzNet: Hi, Suzanne Choma from Genesee Valley Chapter, Rochester, NY #cplpchat
1:38 am trishuhl: To recap -last session (1/6) we shared #ASTD #CPLP tips -we discussed connecting candidates to each other, to resources & to CPLPs #cplpchat
1:38 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Hi Suzanne! Happy New Year! #cplpchat
1:39 am trishuhl: Last session we also discussed tips for the #CPLP Knowledge Exam - but didn't get into much about Phase II:Work Product submission #cplpchat
1:39 am SuzNet: @trishuhl Happy 2010 to you too Trish! #cplpchat
1:40 am flipchartjason: Hi everyone, Jason Gardner CPLP from very soggy Las Vegas. #cplpchat
1:40 am trishuhl: #CPLP candidates have hit the ground in 2010 running - getting ready to submit Work Product on or before March 4th #cplpchat
1:41 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Hi Jason! Greetings from very icey Chicago! #cplpchat
1:42 am flipchartjason: So tonight is going to focus on work product then? #cplpchat
1:42 am trishuhl: First question for tonight: #1a) #Candidates - what questions do you have for the CPLPs? #1b) CPLPs what WP tricks can u share? #cplpchat
1:42 am SuzNet: @flipchartjason it's just cold here in Upstate NY; we get Chicago weather about 24 hours later #cplpchat
1:43 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Yes - but I wouldn't exclude Knowledge Exam! #cplpchat
1:43 am flipchartjason: @suznet Our rain becomes your snow #cplpchat
1:43 am flipchartjason: Never forget Knowledge Exam! #cplpchat
1:44 am SuzNet: WP -- Study the rubrics to understand what's expected of you. Be detailed and clear in your responses to questions. #cplpchat
1:44 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason LOL It's a rite of passage, isn't it? #cplpchat
1:45 am flipchartjason: WP tip--follow the guidelines to a T e.g. your Delivering Training video is 20 mins max. Don't tempt fate by pushing limits. #cplpchat
1:45 am trishuhl: #1b: NEW: The ASTD Certification Institute (ASTD CI) posted sample Work Product submissions to the Candidate Bulletin (Dec '09) #cplpchat
1:46 am KelvinJM: How long did your wp submission preparation take? #cplpchat
1:47 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Can you provide a bit more detail for each? e.g. What rubric? where? How to be "detailed" and "clear" #cplpchat
1:47 am larrystraining: Q1b) Make sure you are answering the question being asked. Read and re-read, answer and re-answer. #cplpchat
1:47 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Agreed. Pushing limits - e.g. submitting a video longer than 20 mins - can get you disqualified or auto failure #cplpchat
1:48 am larrystraining: Q1b) I have noticed very good answers, however, it didn't address the exact question. #cplpchat
1:48 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Agreed - ensure your response answers *the question* #cplpchat
1:48 am SuzNet: @flipchartjason true, as long as we have the cold air to freeze it. It hit 40 here last weekend, so things got soggy! #cplpchat
1:48 am trishuhl: RT @larrystraining: Q1b) I have noticed very good answers, however, it didn't address the exact question. // YES! Don't do that! #cplpchat
1:49 am flipchartjason: @larrystraining Indeed and cover the points of both the WP and the KAs that will get you a 3 #cplpchat
1:50 am trishuhl: @KelvinJM How long? Mine's kind of an anomoly; we spent decades during the Pilot working on ours ;-) Basic guide: min 30 HOURS #cplpchat
1:50 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason What's a "3" Jason? #cplpchat
1:52 am trishuhl: @SuzNet 40 degrees here over the weekend too! Nuts! Felt like driving with the sunroof open! #cplpchat
1:52 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Thanks for reminding me to clarify - the max score you can get in the corresponding are on the WP - a 12 is now perfect #cplpchat
1:53 am SuzNet: @trishuhl There is a scoring rubric that the evaluators use to rate each WP question, which provides detail at each level #cplpchat
1:53 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Yes, thanks. WP is rated 0-3 Where 0 in any component is an auto failure and a 3 is the highest = Outstanding #cplpchat
1:54 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Jason - where can #CPLP candidates go to read about how WP is rated in detail? #cplpchat
1:54 am flipchartjason: #1b Become appropriately intimate with the corresponding chapter of the Candidate Bulletin b4 you start your project #cplpchat
1:54 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Do #CPLP candidates have access to the rubric? #cplpchat
1:54 am trishuhl: 1b: BTW - the sample #CPLP Work Products are listed in Appendix D on the ASTD CI Web site: http://bit.ly/5SplyU #cplpchat
1:55 am larrystraining: Q1b) Don't focus on the 3 column to the exclusion of the 1 and 2 columns. They need to be addressed as well. #cplpchat
1:55 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl They can start here: http://www.astd.org/content/ASTDcertification/CPLPBulletin.htm #cplpchat
1:55 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Agreed All #CPLP candidates - regardless of AOE - should also read chapters 1, 2, 10 & 11 #cplpchat
1:56 am SuzNet: @trishuhl Yes it should be in the bulletin in the work product section for the specific AOE being addressed #cplpchat
1:56 am trishuhl: 1b: A scoring guide is listed in each WP chapter in the Candidate Bulletin. Each AOE has its own chapter and scoring guide #cplpchat
1:56 am flipchartjason: @larrystraining Great point! Be inclusive of all requirements in your WP for success. #cplpchat
1:57 am trishuhl: 1b: The scoring guide lists examples of what's required for a 1 (Limited), 2 (Satisfactory), 3 (Outstanding) #cplpchat
1:58 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Agreed - to achieve a 3, it means you addresses what's in the scoring guide for scoring a 1 & 2 #cplpchat
1:59 am trishuhl: Those watching are welcome to join us via TweetChat: http://tweetchat.com/room/cplpchat or your Twitter tool of choice! #cplpchat
1:59 am trishuhl: Q2) What are some #CPLP Work Product traps? #cplpchat
1:59 am larrystraining: RT @trishuhl: 1b: 1 (Limited), 2 (Satisfactory), 3 (Outstanding) 1 means you only did 1, 2 means you did 1&2, 3 is 1,2&3. #cplpchat
2:00 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Good summary, Larry - thanks! #cplpchat
2:01 am flipchartjason: @KelvinJM I started planning in late November for a March 3 submission. #cplpchat
2:02 am SuzNet: Q2 Pitfalls I have heard about -- not following directions; not addressing the question; not annotating documentation #cplpchat
2:03 am trishuhl: #2: Trap = selecting the wrong project to submit as your Work Product #cplpchat
2:04 am larrystraining: Q2) Time management. You need to spend time reviewing and re-writing. #cplpchat
2:04 am trishuhl: #2:Wrong= don't have the evidence required, can't articulate what u did, or don't have evidence to support your essay responses #cplpchat
2:04 am KelvinJM: @trishuhl Q2 - what would be good criteria to choose project? #CPLPchat
2:05 am flipchartjason: Q2) Not having a plan B when plan A gets convoluted #cplpchat
2:06 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Agreed. An example: Chapter 10 @ packaging requirements #CPLP candidates canbe unsuccessful if don't follow instructns #cplpchat
2:06 am larrystraining: Q2) Doing a project but answering the questions from a different point of view. If you do delivering training answer that way. #cplpchat
2:06 am trishuhl: @larrystraining It's an iterative process, isn't it? Most #CPLP candidates work on it over time, rather than try in 1 sitting #cplpchat
2:06 am SuzNet: Q2- trap ... not having a trusted peer review your submission for feedback & catching grammar/spelling mistakes #cplpchat
2:07 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason How so Jason? #cplpchat
2:07 am trishuhl: @larrystraining And sloppy submissions - including grammatical errors, bad punctuation, spelling mistakes, etc affects your score #cplpchat
2:08 am trishuhl: @larrystraining How so, Larry? #cplpchat
2:09 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Good point, Suzanne - peer review, even just having someone proofread, is good practice! #cplpchat
2:09 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Having your delivery session moved/altered/postponed, losing key stakeholders and having to regroup all affect outcome #cplpchat
2:09 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason How so, Jason? #cplpchat
2:09 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Failure to plan ahead can ruin your WP. Overcoming it can help your WP. #cplpchat
2:09 am larrystraining: Q2) If you are doing designing learning don't reply to the questions from a knolwedge management view point. #cplpchat
2:10 am trishuhl: @KelvinJM Good criteria for project selection = one you can articulate and provide evidence for #cplpchat
2:10 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Especially for an AOE like Delivering Training - where you need to be strategic in capturing the 20 min recording! #cplpchat
2:10 am SuzNet: @trishuhl yes yes! It helps from a project mgmt standpoint to schedule time to work on WP just like you would a client project #cplpchat
2:10 am larrystraining: Q2) If you are delivering training don't answer from a designing learning standpoint. #cplpchat
2:11 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Agreed. I recommend reviewing the #ASTD WLP Competency Model e.g. Appendix C - what is required of your AOE? #cplpchat
2:12 am trishuhl: @SuzNet And takes the same kind of focus and "headspace" as prepping for the #CPLP Knowledge Exam #cplpchat
2:13 am trishuhl: Q2: Other #CPLP Work Product submission traps? #cplpchat
2:15 am trishuhl: BTW - we are 45 minutes into the chat - another 45 minutes to go. We end tonight at 10:00pm EST / 9:00pm CST #cplpchat
2:16 am SuzNet: Q2 - trap of not allowing yourself enough time to carefully review everything before it's sent off, haste can create great waste #cplpchat
2:16 am trishuhl: Join us via TweetChat: http://tweetchat.com/room/cplpchat or your Twitter tool of choice. #cplpchat
2:17 am SuzNet: Q2 -- if you don't pass the WP "exam" you have to submit a whole new WP the second time around; no second chances #cplpchat
2:18 am trishuhl: Q2: Traps=not reading Candidate Bulletin, not following instructions, selecting wrong proj to submit, sloppiness, nt allowing time #cplpchat
2:18 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Yes - failing the Work Product means submitting an entirely new project AND paying retest fees - currently $350.00 USD #cplpchat
2:19 am trishuhl: Q2: Traps: Waiting until last minute, not leveraging your peers, submitting more than is asked for, answering from the wrong lens #cplpchat
2:20 am flipchartjason: Q2: In conversations we've discovered using org lingo in the submission created ambiguity b/c it wasn't clearly explained #cplpchat
2:21 am trishuhl: Q #3) Any tips or questions re: specific #CPLP Work Product Areas of Expertise (AOE)? #cplpchat
2:21 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason YES! Don't use institutional or professional jargon! INCLUDING a lot of needless learning & performance jargon #cplpchat
2:22 am larrystraining: Q2) Make sure there are no company specific logos, mentions etc in your WP. #cplpchat
2:23 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Yes! Remove all identification electronically or with a Sharpie to the hardcopy. Blackout on hardcopy = good #cplpchat
2:24 am flipchartjason: Q2 And be careful of 50 cent words and/or references that are irrelevant/unsubstantiated. Keep it clear, concise, organized. #cplpchat
2:25 am larrystraining: @flipchartjason Yes K.I.S.S. works for the work product. #cplpchat
2:26 am trishuhl: Q3: AOE tips: Be strategic. Plan your #CPLP Work Product submission approach. Gather lots of evidence, then weed out not needed #cplpchat
2:27 am trishuhl: Q3: Make sure you have the latest #CPLP Candidate Bulletin (Dec 2009). Make sure your sample is <3 years old. #cplpchat
2:28 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason - which AOE did you submit for? How were you strategic in your approach? #cplpchat
2:28 am SuzNet: Q3 -- Review the submission criteria & scoring guideline for the AOEs u r considering 1st, then think about projects that fit #cplpchat
2:28 am KelvinJM: @larrystraining K.I.S.S. ? #CPLPchat
2:29 am trishuhl: @SuzNet - which AOE did you submit for? How were you strategic in your approach? #cplpchat
2:29 am trishuhl: @larrystraining - which AOE did you submit for? How were you strategic in your approach? #cplpchat
2:29 am larrystraining: Q3) Make sure you test your video/dvd on several pieces of equipment. They will not try to view it more than twice. #cplpchat
2:31 am flipchartjason: AOE 3 Del Train worked with an org to design/deliver for them that also met Cand Bulletin criteria. Plan/execute/final took 3.5 mo #cplpchat
2:31 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Note: Video/DVD is only applicable to AOE Delivering Training. That being said - all Designing has to be hardcopy #cplpchat
2:32 am trishuhl: Not only have to submit the "right" evidence, have to submit it in the required format (e.g. digital, hardcopy, etc) #cplpchat
2:32 am flipchartjason: Had to make course corrections as in real life and doc'd it in submission along with req'd paperwork. #cplpchat
2:32 am SuzNet: Q3 - Once u have narrowed the scope to 2 or 3 acceptable projects, do a deeper dive against the criteria & pick 1 with best data #cplpchat
2:32 am larrystraining: @KelvinJM Keep It Short & Simple. Answer the questions but don't use lots of filler. #cplpchat
2:33 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Best data, best required evidence, best supporting evidence, one you can articulate - all evidence in required format #cplpchat
2:34 am flipchartjason: @larrystraining Indeed and no more than 3 stops (not edits) allowed to gather all requirements for Del Train - know your criteria! #cplpchat
2:34 am trishuhl: Is ASTD CI looking for a perfect project? or for all learning pros to be doing ROI? #cplpchat
2:34 am larrystraining: I did Delivering Training. I knew that I was recording my presentation and designed it in advanced around the WP criteria. #cplpchat
2:35 am SuzNet: @trishuhl Designing Learning - I used the decision process just described to pick, + the project that reqd fewest signatures #cplpchat
2:36 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Ah! Signatures! All AOEs have release forms. Delivering Training need signed release from all attendees #cplpchat
2:37 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Is there such a thing as the perfect project? #cplpchat
2:38 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason Makes a high C twitch, doesn't it? ;-) #cplpchat
2:40 am SuzNet: @trishuhl hope not; no such thing as perfection;they should be looking for critical thinking, prob solving, app of best practices #cplpchat
2:40 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Indeed it does. @suznet said it best. #cplpchat
2:41 am larrystraining: Q3) Don't forget about the stakeholders. Who is sponsoring your product and why is important to the final product. #cplpchat
2:41 am SuzNet: @trishuhl for all projects sigs/releases are required from collaborators too #cplpchat
2:42 am trishuhl: @flipchartjason @SuzNet Agreed - no perfect project. No expectation all doing ROI. Expect that what level you are at done well #cplpchat
2:43 am trishuhl: @SuzNet Yes, thanks - sigs/releases from sponsors (all AOEs) and collaborators, if original project was team effort #cplpchat
2:44 am flipchartjason: Goes back to picking an AOE that sets you up for success. #cplpchat
2:45 am trishuhl: 15 minutes to go... Share some #CPLP resources with us - #ASTD chapters? #cplpchat
2:46 am SuzNet: @larrystraining Ah yes, the people who provide the funding, support, and help navigate the political landscape #cplpchat
2:46 am trishuhl: Chicagoland Chapter #ASTD (#CCASTD) - Director of CPLP hosts #CPLP related programs - visit site http://www.ccastd.org/ #cplpchat
2:46 am trishuhl: Looking for #ASTD announcements too - @flipchartjason - you have a BIG event coming up #cplpchat
2:48 am larrystraining: @neokastd has a #CPLP study group, we welcome anyone interested in learning more about the certification or currently in process. #cplpchat
2:48 am flipchartjason: #ASTDLV will be starting a spring/summer study group soon. We've sat at least one successful cand each time we've had a group. #cplpchat
2:50 am flipchartjason: Well our last group one passed the Know Exam and is working on submitting her work product - she'll pass :) #cplpchat
2:50 am trishuhl: #ASTD International Conference & Exposition (ASTD ICE) here in #Chicago May 16-19, 2010 8,000+ attendees @ McCormick Place #ASTD10 #cplpchat
2:52 am trishuhl: Dan Pink is the #ASTD10 opening keynote. His "Drive" book tour goes to St Louis 1/21, Dallas 1/22, London UK 1/27 @danielpink #cplpchat
2:52 am trishuhl: #CPLP candidates find your local #ASTD chapter for certification related resources: http://bit.ly/5xG9SL #cplpchat
2:53 am larrystraining: Don't be afraid to ask for help in the LinkedIn groups, or at your chapter or here. We want more CPLP collegues. #cplpchat
2:54 am trishuhl: For those interested, we are working on #Chicago Tweetups for #ASTD ICE #ASTD10 #cplpchat
2:55 am trishuhl: #ASTD TechKnowledge #TK10 is next week in Las Vegas - 1/28 to 1/30 - get a chance to meet @flipchartjason face2face :) #cplpchat
2:55 am trishuhl: @larrystraining Yes, the LinkedIn groups are pretty active with #CPLP candidates! Larry-can you recommend which ones to check out? #cplpchat
2:55 am SuzNet: @larrystraining I have gotten some great value from the Linked In groups, eg advice on design issues & getting connected #cplpchat
2:56 am trishuhl: 5 minutes to close - ready for closing comments & closing introductions? #cplpchat
2:57 am flipchartjason: @trishuhl Yes we'll have a table at the Expo or DM me and we can have coffee! #cplpchat
2:57 am SuzNet: @trishuhl ready, when's the next cplp chat? #cplpchat
2:57 am trishuhl: We'll post a transcript of tonight's chat and tweet the link, when available. Next chat is 2 weeks from now - Feb 3rd @ 8:30pm EST #cplpchat
2:58 am flipchartjason: Thanks everyone for a great chat - live long and prosper. Good night! #cplpchat
2:58 am larrystraining: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=113118&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1782438&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr #cplpchat
2:58 am trishuhl: Thank you all for your time tonight and your contribution! #cplpchat
2:59 am trishuhl: This is Trish Uhl - #Chicago, Illinois USA - sending prayers to Haiti this week & sending $$ via text to the Red Cross #cplpchat
3:00 am larrystraining: It doesn't look like tweetchat liked the links. But search for CPLP in LinkedIn groups and you will find us. #cplpchat
3:01 am larrystraining: Larry Straining, CPLP, Tulsa OK, Technology and E-Learning. I look forward to chatting again in 2 weeks. #cplpchat
3:01 am SuzNet: Suzanne Choma CPLP from Genesee Valley (Rochester NY) Chapter ASTD, signing off, see you after Groundhog Day #cplpchat
3:02 am trishuhl: @larrystraining LinkedIn group links: http://bit.ly/7LNYn9 and http://bit.ly/5fzyi9 Thanks, Larry! #cplpchat
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