Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Employee Learning Week Recap - Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The following list is a recap of how we celebrated Employee Learning Week on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009:

EVENT: Dan Pink Webinar hosted by Training magazine, "A Whole New Workforce: Educating And Engaging Employees In A Right-Brain World"

Note: A Webinar recording will be made available on the free TrainingMagNetwork site.

GAME: Designing Learning Crossword

BONUS GAME! Delivering Training Crossword

 QUOTE: "Today we need more 'deliberate practice' not dancing pandas." -Allison Rossett

RESOURCE: Training Delivery Options & Media - part of the ASTD Learning System updates (CPLP candidates definitely want to check this out!)

VIDEO: Today's video was selected for two reasons: 1) to encourage learning professionals to consider how managers will be impacted by the selected design / delivery approach and how you can leverage them to make learning sustainable, and 2) it's humourous!

Tomorrow! Join us for the first ever realtime synchronous Twitter discussion regarding the ASTD CPLP! Wednesday, December 9th 8:30pm EST - see our previous blog post for details!

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
CEO, Owl's Ledge LLC
Twitter: @trishuhl | @cplpcoach

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