Wednesday, December 02, 2009

ASTD CPLP Twitterfountain

Twitter + Flickr = Twitterfountain

Social media apps glorious, glorious social media apps...

Here's what Twitterfountain has to say about Twitterfountain:

Have you ever wanted to see what was happening at that one event you could not go to? Did the plain text-backchannels somehow left you feeling disappointed?

Twitterfountain comes to your aid: we mash up tweets and Flickr-images that share the same tags into a spectacular visual.

This Twitterfountain features Twitter tag: cplp and Flickr tag: astd.

Watch this space next week as we celebrate Employee Learning Week (December 7th - 11th) and continue the ASTD CPLP discussion.

Don't just enjoy the show - dive in!

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
CEO, Owl's Ledge LLC

Twitter: @trishuhl @cplpcoach

Owl's Ledge - building the 21st Century Workforce, one Certified Professional in Learning & Performance (CPLP®) candidate at a time.

* Transformation * Globalization * Innovation * Strategic Enablement *

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