Friday, May 01, 2009

ASTD International Conference & Expo (ICE)

Congratulations to all the new CPLPs, and to my colleagues from the Pilot cohort who recertified this year - WOO HOO!

Also, a special shout out to Jason, Mick, Larry & Greg - Welcome to the CPLP community!

And a very very special congratulations to Michael Sabbag, VP of Talent Management at on his new book - "Developing Exemplary Performance One Person at a Time." (Conveniently found on -



And a few quick announcements...

American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Conference & Exposition (ICE)

I'm just off an ASTD ICE Planning Advisory Committee call. We're in the process of planning the conference orientation sessions for Washington DC.

Different orientation sessions are offered for English speakers versus non-English speakers.

There are two (2) ASTD ICE sessions scheduled for English speakers.

They are:

  • Saturday, May 30th, 2009 - 5:00pm to 6:15pm ET
  • Sunday, May 31st, 2009 - 9:45am to 11:00am ET

The orientation is to provide new conference goers with:

  • An overview of the conference resources & logistics (e.g. orientation to the Program Guide; where to go to find what information; the flow of the conference, etc.)
  • Networking opportunities (we're working on some icebreakers / breakouts)
  • An understanding of conference offerings & suggestions on where they can get help (e.g. how do I plan my time? what's an innogizer? where can I get coffee? how can I ship stuff home? etc.)

I'm one of the Orientation presenters both days; stop by and say "Hi!"


Training Leadership Summit

Spring is the season for professional conferences!

I'm at home trying to get packed for my flight to San Diego tomorrow to attend the Training Leadership Summit:

I am also extremely flattered to have been nominated by my peers - and have become a recipient of - this year's 2009 Top Young Trainer Award.

The Top 10 will be announced this coming Monday, May 4th - watch this page for details:


Las Vegas, ASTD - CPLP Boot Camp, The ASTD Competency Model™ & Professional Certification

After the Learning Summit, I'm heading straight to Las Vegas to facilitate a workshop on the ASTD Competency Model and professional certification:


ASTD Project Management for Trainers Certificate Workshop

July 27th & 28th I'm in Chicago facilitating the ASTD PM for Trainers workshop:

That's after the Chicagoland, ASTD (CCASTD) chapter's downtown Chicago Scavenger Hunt on July 23rd (stay tuned for details)...


Drop a line if you're going to be at any of these events! I'd love to see you :-)

Be helpful. Be humble. Share.

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
CEO, Owl's Ledge LLC




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