Thursday, May 03, 2012

#ASTD2012 Social Media Back Channel Chat Tools

EXCITED as the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) International Conference & Exposition kicks off in Denver, Colorado this Sunday, May 6th thru Wednesday, May 9th 2012!

Over the years, it's become an AMAZING networking and educational event where I've had the good fortune to participate in-person, on-site at the Convention Center during the live event - but it's become additional FUN to participate via the social media "back channel chat" tools as well.

All sorts of ways to connect with friends and colleagues - old and new. :-)

The social media back channel is also a GREAT way to learn, discuss & digest if you can't be here.


Check out these FAB tools:

Start with this "How to Learn from a Conference You're Not Attending" primer from David Kelly @LnDDave:

Then check out these cool #ASTD2012 Twitter tools put together by Ben Wilkoff @bhwilkoff:

Visual Representation of Twitter

TAGS - Twitter Archive 

If you're in Denver, let's connect! and if you're not - then meet me in the Twitterverse! 

Find me at: @trishuhl

See you on the flipside!  

~ trish

~ Trish Uhl, PMP, CPLP
The CPLP Certification Expert
Coach, Facilitator, Author, Speaker, ASTD Chapter Leader, Mentor
trishuhl at owls-ledge dot com

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