Wednesday, November 28, 2012

CPLP® Boot Camp "Lite" Webinar South Africa


Katelind here with an Owl's Ledge event development. On December 5, 2012 at 12:00 CT | 20:00 Johannesburg, South Africa time, Trish Uhl will facilitate a CPLP® Boot Camp "Lite" Webinar online. Organized primarily for our learning professional peers in South Africa, this special event will also feature a brief presentation from Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick of Kirkpatrick Partners. Kirkpatrick Partners is the Official Home of the Kirkpatrick 4 Levels of Evaluation Model!

This CPLP®  Webinar provides an overview of the ASTD Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP®) certification and the ASTD Workplace Learning & Performance (WLP) Competency Model upon which the credential is based. 

Spend 90 minutes of your time to:

  • Possess a clear understanding of how CPLP® certification can help "accidental trainers" and formally educated learning professionals validate their skill against a professional standard.
  • Identify organizations using the CPLP® as frameworks for career paths and for continued professional growth and ongoing education. 
  • Articulate the history, development, and purpose of the CPLP® certification program, including its foundation on the ASTD Workplace Learning & Performance (WLP) Competency Model. 
  • Follow the criteria for both the CPLP® Knowledge Exam and CPLP® Work Product submission phases. 
  • Implement tips and tricks to be successful in both phases of the credentialing process.
Who should attend?

Learning professionals and those curious about the CPLP® certification are an especially good fit for this Webinar. Learning professionals include, but are not limited to: Directors of Training / Learning & Development, Learning VPs, CLOs, Instructional Designers, and Training Specialists.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. All attendees receive a copy of Trish's "Mastering the CPLP® Knowledge  Exam" eBook!

Click the link to register!

~ Katelind

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